Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's not for lack of knitting...

So I've been suspiciously quiet in the blogosphere, but it's not for lack of knitting.   I have found myself making a plethora of tiny objects for the last little while.

I can't help it, I'm compelled.  But the problem with knitting little newborn items is that often you can't find a proper sized model to show them off. 

So I made one of those too =).....

(I'm working on his model pose still....)

Collage items:
1. Carnival Hat-  by me; 2. Circles Stroller Jacket by Susan Anderson, minus the circles; 3. Eco Baby Booties by Jen Gontier; 4. Baby Bear Hat and Booties Set; 5. Baby Uggs by Jen Gontier with bear mods; 6. Scraps Hat - by me; 7. Circles Stroller Jacket; 8. Carnival Hat; 9. Nap Sack by me, free pattern coming soon; 10. Baby Bear Hat by me; 11. Scraps Hat; 12. Eco Baby Booties